2016 - 2017 | User Experience
Turner's video-on-demand product, made to compliment the Boomerang television network. Launched across multiple platforms, including Android, iOS, Roku, and tvOS.
Cartoon Network delivers on-demand digital access to Warner Media animated classics.
In celebration of acquiring the digital streaming rights to much of Warner Bros. catalogue of animated content, Cartoon Network built a video on demand service. Offering access to both well known classics and niche fan favorites, the streaming service is designed to compliment the broadcast television channel.
The product was released simultaneously across multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, Apple TV, Roku, and web. Our goal was to deliver an experience which minimized barriers to consuming content, was accessible to both children and adults, and offered a consistent user experience across platforms.
To decrease the learning curve required to use the app, we utilized interaction and visual design paradigms native to each platform. Making content quick and easy to access pushed us to simple and focused interface, such that the user is never more than three interactions from watching a video. To that end, tapping a series, movie, or playlist tile launches video immediately. Playback is resumed if user had started a video previously, or starts from beginning of next unwatched item (if selected from series or playlist). Additionally, for logged in users, a list of previously accessed content is placed first in the “Home” view. Finally, areas where purchases could be made or where personally identifying information is requested were placed behind an age gate.